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Progress Report Cards

Elementary report cards follow a standards-based grading approach, with the exception of science and social studies in grades 3-5, which will shift to standards-based in 2025-26. Instead of providing a letter (term) grade, teachers report on several grade level performance descriptors to inform parents of a student’s development in this area. This approach allows teachers to better provide feedback to students and families on a student’s learning progress.. 

Standards Based Grading Overview:

Standards-based grading communicates how students are performing on a set of clearly defined learning targets called standards. The purpose of standards-based grading is to identify what a student knows, or is able to do, in relation to pre-established learning targets, as opposed to simply averaging grades/scores over the course of a grading period, which can mask what a student has learned, or not learned, in a specific course.

An overview of the curriculum and reporting standards, can be found on the K-8 Curriculum Page.

Developing - Progressing - Mastery

Benefits of Standards-Based Reporting:

  • Emphasizes specific skills and concepts, rather than assigning one overall grade in a subject

  • Shows the student’s performance level on essential standards over time

  • Separates social skills and work habits from academic grades; these two areas are reported separately to allow for a more accurate reporting of a student’s actual performance level on each standard

  • Creates consistency and continuity in assessing student performance among teachers within and across buildings in the district

D15 Mastery Grading Guidance

Students are provided feedback by using a mastery scale based on what they have been taught so far in terms of the standard. For example: Students show mastery on current coursework and what they have been taught so far, so they are given a 3 on an assignment even if the entire standard hasn’t been covered yet. 

Based on the D15 Grading Guidance, students should be evaluated on the standard in terms of what has been taught so far. It is important to note that this will make it possible for students to get a “3”, but then, as you go deeper into the standard and expand the standard, they may change to a “2” if they do not yet show mastery. Additionally, as the rigor and complexity of the work increases, students will engage with standards in a variety of ways, thus sometimes they are meeting (score 3) and other times progressing (score 2).  

Mastery Scale

Mastery Scale for Assessing Learning

We are adjusting and consolidating our mastery scale to support our shift to Standards-Based Grading. The purpose of utilizing a mastery scale for standards-based grading is to identify what a student knows, or is able to do, in relation to these learning targets, as opposed to simply averaging grades or scores over the course of a grading period. Additionally, it shows student performance levels on essential standards over time. 

Given the progression of learning, you will see various “N/A” reported for standards and descriptors within subject areas throughout the year; this is to be expected as shifts are made to reporting levels of mastery based on what students have been taught and assessed. When you see “N/A” on the report card for certain standards, it means that they were not assessed during that given trimester.

Progress Report Card Schedule 2024-25

Progress reports are sent home periodically throughout the school year. In addition to progress reports, parent/teacher conferences are scheduled. Parents will be notified if there is a marked change in a child's academic performance or behavior at any time. Parents may call the school or teacher whenever they feel the need for a conference. Please try to avoid scheduling vacations during this time so you can meet with your child's teacher on one of these designated conference days. In the event that you will be unable to attend, your child's teacher will contact you for a phone conference. 

Parent-Teacher Conferences—November 25 & 26, 2024

(see below for progress report schedule)

Please see these instructions for accessing your child's term grades in Campus Parent (in both English or Spanish). For additional languages, please refer to this Term Grade resource when viewing your child's grades. Please reach out to your school principal if you have any questions. 

Progress Report Schedule