History of e-Learning Days in Illinois
In 2020, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) authorized the use of e-Learning during emergency days (105 ILCS 5/10-20.56). This means that students can use district-provided devices to engage in interactive and other learning during inclement weather that would have resulted in a snow day. This e-Learning includes interactive time with teachers, group work, and independent work just like a student would experience during a regular school day.
Moving 15 Forward and Summer Construction Needs
With the amount of construction necessary to move all aspects of the Moving 15 Forward over the summer of 2024, the District has submitted an e-Learning Plan for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years.
Should inclement weather prevent school from being open in 2023-24 or 2024-25, we will utilize an eLearning Day so as not to extend the last day of school. This decision was made to support the necessary extended summer required to implement the Moving 15 Forward plan and related construction.
Teaching, Learning, and Curricular Connections
Student learning on an e-Learning day(s) will be tied to our existing curriculum, which aligns with the Illinois Learning Standards and follows the Board-approved curriculums. E-Learning Day objectives will align with the skills and content students must master to be successful learners.
The Department of Teaching and Learning will collaborate with teachers so that the teachers can pivot to e-Learning and can continue to follow our scopes and sequences. Schedules and lessons will follow the typical day, with adjustments to account for the change in platform as necessary. Lessons should align with the student’s current instructional program (eg., reading math, science, social studies, health, PE, art, services) and continue learning progressions in the least disruptive way possible. Instructional activities should be varied, balanced, and meet the hourly requirement of the e-Learning plan/school day. Most activities will be completed independently by the student, but some may require some assistance from a parent or caregiver. If someone is not available to assist a student in such instances and the student is unable to complete the assigned work during the e-Learning Day the missed work will be addressed in a similar manner as school work assigned during a student absence. This may include in-school assistance with this work when students are able to return to their classrooms. Where appropriate, e-Learning plans will be differentiated to meet the unique needs of students receiving special education services, English learners, students experiencing homelessness under McKinney Vento, or other vulnerable student populations.
Student and Staff Access and Connectivity
The day prior to an e-Learning day, devices will be sent home with all students. Students in grades 3-8 have assigned 1:1 devices, chargers, and protective cases and will take them home as they usually do. For students in kindergarten to second grade who do not regularly take a device home, a fully-charged school device will be assigned to that student on the day prior to an e-Learning Day. Students will be instructed and taught how to transport the assigned device from school to home and back to school by using their backpack. Students will be provided with a charger to charge the device. In addition, students in grades Kindergarten to second grade will be allowed to bring their device home on designated days to help complete necessary logistical steps prior to an official e-Learning Day (e.g., connecting to wifi, powering on and accessing their school account independently at home, and building parental familiarity with the device in case the student needs assistance).
Daily instructional interaction between teacher and students will occur for core subjects and will consist of interaction between staff and students for specials and support services. During an e-Learning Day, teachers will follow the regular classroom schedule and provide synchronous learning (teacher lead virtual instruction via Google Meets) that is designed to be as similar to in-person learning as possible. Staff are required to provide synchronous instruction and interact with students during e-Learning days. Staff have district issued devices to support students learning on such days. Non-electronic materials will be made available to students who are prevented from accessing the required technology.
Although not all e-Learning lessons will be technology dependent, any District 15 family that does not have internet access in their home may contact the Technology Department to request HotSpot access as available. District 15 administration will make all efforts to identify families in need of internet access at home to communicate how the District may support those needs as part of the e-Learning plan.
Student Attendance
Student attendance will be recorded and monitored using Infinite Campus as well as Google Classroom, Seesaw, or other learning platforms provided by the District. Students will be required to engage with learning for a full school day. Attendance will be based on student engagement, assignment, or activity completion.
IEP and English-Language Learner (EL) Students
Students will be afforded all reasonable accommodations and modifications outlined in their IEP, 504, and or/support plan(s). Teachers will be available during regular work hours to provide additional assistance to students. Related services will be replicated through remote learning, or plans will be developed so parents can implement related services at home under the guidance of the service provider. IEP and 504 required services that were scheduled during the e-Learning Day will be provided as part of that day’s schedule so that as similar an experience to in-person, school services is provided. EL students will also be provided their daily support services in a virtual format.
District Commitments
If the e-Learning day option is utilized, it is the District’s responsibility to make sure students and parents can access remote learning. It is the district’s responsibility to ensure students have relevant assistive technology available during an e-Learning day. Plans for additional material and laptop/supply pick-up will be communicated based on whether an inclement weather day is known prior to dismissal or in the morning.
Special Education Teacher/Student Services Staff
Direct contact will be made with each student scheduled on each e-Learning day.
With the assistance of the multidisciplinary team, remote learning lessons shall be created, appropriate for each student on a teacher’s caseload. These learning plans may include, but are not limited to videos, hands on activities, sensory suggestions, and reading response activities.
Related Services Staff
Related Service providers will develop activities that can include links to specific online activities, pre-recorded videos and/or groups on individual teleconferencing activities.
Although services may not be replicated through e-Learning, there will be plans for parents to implement some of the services at home under the guidance of a related service provider where appropriate.
If a student does not have access to a related service provider over multiple days due to school closure, it may be necessary for the District to provide services at an alternate time upon return to school.
Teaching Assistant, Clerical Staff, and Nurses
There are many different and essential duties that ESPA staff can perform during an e-Learning day. Office staff (secretaries, clericals and nurses) should communicate with their school principal a plan for meaningful work during this time.
Employees who require student presence such as a teaching assistant will either have clearly defined responsibilities during the work day or have a professional development activity that will be communicated electronically by their administrator or designee.
Employees that will not have a clear work role on an e-Learning day will be required to participate in professional development modules that will be communicated to them electronically.
Services Employees (SEIU)
Employees who are required to be on site due to maintenance, custodial, and potential snow removal will have timing and expectations communicated to them via normal channels before and on the date of the emergency event. Standard operating procedures will remain in place for this group of employees.
Bus Drivers/Bus Aides (DTU)