Grades 6-8 Middle School Curriculum
Middle school students explore personalized paths in nine courses each day, including six core academic classes in Math, Reading, Writing, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education, lunch, and up to two elective classes, such as World Language, Fine Arts, and STEM, allowing students to tailor their learning experiences.
A rich array of extracurriculars, includings sports and clubs, rounds out the adolescent journey, allowing students to explore their interests and shape a dynamic educational journey, paving the way for high school.
Core Subjects
Math Course Offerings
Core Sequence | Advanced/Dual Promotion | |||
6th | Mathematics 6 | Pre-Algebra (Mathematics 6 completed in 5th Grade) |
Algebra (Pre-Algebra completed in 5th Grade) |
7th | Pre-Algebra | Algebra | Geometry | |
8th | Foundations for Algebra | Algebra | Geometry | HS Algebra II |
Students are placed in their middle school math course sequence based on the prior school year’s math coursework, along with District 15’s accelerated placement guidelines. Middle school math in District 15 is a sequential experience. Students MUST complete the prerequisite courses in order to advance to the next course. (Example: students must complete Pre-Algebra before moving to Algebra). This is to ensure content standard and coverage and skill mastery for future high school math course work.
Students in Grades 6-8 have one 40-minute class period of math instruction per day. The primary focus for our students' math experiences in middle school is to build mathematical thinkers. Middle school students construct mathematical arguments and solve problems in real-world contexts through inquiry and build confidence in their skills through practice. We want students to leave District 15 feeling confident in their math abilities and set up for success in their future math experiences.
Grade 6
Mathematics 6
This course is a compacted curriculum of both 6th and 7th Grade Common Core State Standards which includes: area and surface, ratios, rates & percentages, fraction and decimal representations of rational numbers, equations and expressions, proportional relationships, percentage concepts and applications, rational numbers and negatives, and data and statistics.
This course is a compacted curriculum of both 7th and 8th Grade Common Core State Standards which includes: number systems, rational number operations, ratios, proportionality, percentages, expressions, solving linear equations, inequalities, exponents and scientific notation, graphing proportional and nonproportional relationships, angles and angle relationships, circumference and area of circles, volume of cylinders, spheres, and cones, and the Pythagorean Theorem.
Prerequisite: 6th Grade Math
Grade 7
This course is a compacted curriculum of both 7th and 8th Grade Common Core State Standards which includes: number systems, rational number operations, ratios, proportionality, percentages, expressions, solving linear equations, inequalities, exponents and scientific notation, graphing proportional and nonproportional relationships, angles and angle relationships, circumference and area of circles, volume of cylinders, spheres, and cones, and the Pythagorean Theorem.
Honors Plane & Solid Geometry
This advanced course is a comprehensive study of plane and solid geometry including constructions, formulas for measurement and formal proofs. It is based on the theorems and axioms that relate points, lines, planes, and solids. Topics are covered in great depth, especially area and volume of solids. Additional emphasis is placed on the integration of algebraic techniques in solving geometric problems.
Prerequisite: Algebra 1
Grade 8
Foundations for Algebra
This foundational course prepares students for algebra topics and is comprised of 8th Grade Common Core State Standards which include: rigid transformations and congruence; dilations, similarity and slope; linear relationships; linear equations and systems; functions and volume; associations in data; exponents, and scientific notation; irrational numbers. This course is designed to prepare students for future success in high school algebra, by solidifying introductory algebra topics and skills.
Honors Plane & Solid Geometry
This advanced course is a comprehensive study of plane and solid geometry including constructions, formulas for measurement and formal proofs. It is based on the theorems and axioms that relate points, lines, planes, and solids. Topics are covered in great depth, especially area and volume of solids. Additional emphasis is placed on the integration of algebraic techniques in solving geometric problems.
Prerequisite: Algebra 1
Accelerated Algebra 2
This highly accelerated high school course is designed for students who demonstrate a strong command of algebra and geometry. M328, Accelerated Algebra 2 is provided in partnership with District 211. The course briefly reviews concepts presented in earlier course work and then rigorously expands and applies them to other areas of mathematics. In addition, selected topics from pre-calculus are studied. Ideas presented in this course involve advanced techniques of graphing and solving equations and inequalities and will prepare students to take Trigonometry/Calculus A. This course requires a graphing calculator.
Prerequisite: Honors Plane & Solid Geometry
Math Standards
Standards for Student Mathematical Practice
Standards for Student Mathematical Practice
All K-8 students are expected to develop appropriate expertise in the Standards for Student Mathematical Practice. These practices are longstanding important processes and proficiencies in mathematics education.
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Keep going!
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Thank what makes sense.
- Construct viable arguements and critique the reasoning of others. Talk and explain.
- Model with mathematics. Show your thinking.
- Use appropriate tools strategically. Use the right tools.
- Attend to precision. Check your work.
- Look for an make use of structure. See the pattern or connection.
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. See the pattern or connection.
Standards for Mathematical Content
Standards for Mathematical Content
Students use the Standards for Mathematical Content, which are designated by grade level, in conjunction with the Standards for Mathematical Practices.
Below are the CCSD 15 prioritized content standards for 6-8 content topics covered at each grade level. These are the standards that are on the report card.
Grade 6
6.EE.A Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions.
6.EE.B Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities.
6.EE.C Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables.
6.G.A Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume.
6.NS.A Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions.
6.NS.B Compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples.
6.NS.C Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers
6.RP.A Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.
Grade 7
7.EE.A Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
7.EE.B Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
7.NS.A Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions.
7.RP.A Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems.
Grade 8
8.EE.A Work with radicals and integer exponents.
8.EE.B Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations.
8.EE.C Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations.
8.NS.A Know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by rational numbers.
8.EE.A Work with radicals and integer exponents.
8.EE.B Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations.
8.EE.C Analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations.
8.NS.A Know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by rational numbers.
English Language Arts (ELA)
District 15 English Language Arts (ELA) courses use a combination of curricular resources to provide students with wide variety of opportunities to engage with a variety of texts, topics, and opportunities to read, write, and discuss.
Grade 6
Grade 7
Quarter 1
- Developing Reading & Writing Life Intro Unit
- Poetry & Poe
- Writing Realistic Fiction
Quarter 2
- Character & Conflict
- Investigating Characterization Book Clubs
Quarter 3
- Brain Science
- Essential Research Skills for Teens
- The Art of Argument
Quarter 4
- Historical Fiction Book Clubs
- Writing About Reading
Grade 8
The mission of the CCSD15 Science Department is to nurture a generation of inquisitive & problem-solving scientists. We value vibrant learning environments that ignite curiosity, promote collaboration, cultivate critical thinking, and celebrate diverse cultural & linguistic experiences.
Students will investigate real world phenomena, ask questions, develop models, plan and carry out investigations, analyze and interpret data, use Mathematical thinking, construct explanations to communicate information.
Social Studies
The vision supporting social studies in Illinois and in District 15 is to produce Illinois graduates who are civically engaged, socially responsible, culturally aware, and financially literate.
Students will make real-world connections between reading, writing, and social-emotional learning. They will spend time asking questions and developing critical thinking skills through writing, discussion, and debate. Teachers will facilitate opportunities to do these individually and collaboratively. Starting in Kindergarten, students learn about their own perspectives and communities and gradually build outward to understand their impact on our country and the world.
Grade 6
In 6th grade Social Studies, students will study early humans and the rise of civilization to begin to understand and compare the following, then and now:
- Government structures and development
- Cultural development
- Economic structures and development
- Geography impacts on daily life, economics, government, and relationships with others
Quarter 1
- Unit 1: Foundations of History
- Unit 2: The Rise of Civilization
Quarter 2
- Unit 3: Ancient Egypt & The Middle East
- Unit 4: Ancient India
Quarter 3
- Unit 5: Ancient China
- Unit 6: Ancient Greece
Quarter 4
- Unit 7 Ancient Rome
- Connections to today
Grade 7
In 7th grade Social Studies, students will study the early years of the United States, and begin to think more critically through the Illinois Inquiry Skills below. Students use modern events that affect their lives today to understand the impact of events from the past.
- Recognize Perspectives and Articulate Identities
- Developing Questions and Planning Inquiries
- Evaluating Sources and Using Evidence
- Communicating Conclusions and Taking Informed Action
Quarter 1
- Discussion Strategies & Information Literacy
- The US Constitution
Quarter 2
- The Early Republic
- Westward Expansion
Quarter 3
- Pre-Civil War Society & Culture
- Slavery and Economic Impact
- The Civil War & Sectionalism
Quarter 4
- Reconstruction
- Industrialization
Grade 8
In 8th grade Social Studies, students will study the United States post-Civil War to modern times, and begin to think more critically through the Illinois Inquiry Skills below. Students use modern events that affect their lives today to understand the impact of events from the past.
- Recognize Perspectives and Articulate Identities
- Developing Questions and Planning Inquiries
- Evaluating Sources and Using Evidence
- Communicating Conclusions and Taking Informed Action
Quarter 1
- Discussion Strategies & Information Literacy
- Industrial & Economic Growth
- The Progressive Era
Quarter 2
- Imperialism
- World War I
- World War II
Quarter 3
- World War II
- Prosperity & Depression
- Post-War America
Quarter 4
- Modern times: government and advancement
- Civic National & World Engagement
Physical Education & Health
All middle school students are expected to participate in daily physical education classes. A variety of physical activities are offered during the year. Children may be exempt from some or all physical activities with an excuse from parent(s)/guardian(s) for a period of up to three days. Students who need to be excused beyond that or for an extended length of time must provide a written excuse submitted to the school by a person licensed under the Medical Practice Act. Alternative activities and/or units of instruction will be provided for pupils whose physical or emotional condition prevents their participation in the physical education courses as determined by a person licensed under the Medical Practice Act.
Grade 6
Grade 7
The 7th Grade physical education/health course provides each student with the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive program consisting of skill development, lead up games, individual sports, team sports and physical fitness activities. Emphasis is placed on active participation and positive social interaction during fitness and sport activities. Activity in the moderate to vigorous level is expected, as this contributes to the overall physical fitness and academic success of our students. Fitness testing, as required by law, will be conducted during the year using FitnessGram. P.E. uniform and athletic shoes are required every day in order to earn participation credit. Good sportsmanship, safety, appropriate language, and following all rules and procedures are expected at all times.
The 7th Grade health curriculum is conducted in conjunction with the physical education program. The curriculum covers the following topics: Tobacco, Alcohol, & Other Drug Prevention; and Violence & Injury Prevention. Upon request, materials are available for viewing.
Grade 8
The 8th Grade physical education/health course provides each student with the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive program consisting of skill development, lead up games, individual sports, team sports and physical fitness activities. Emphasis is placed on active participation and positive social interaction during fitness and sport activities. Activity in the moderate to vigorous level is expected, as this contributes to the overall physical fitness and academic success of our students. Fitness testing, as required by law, will be conducted during the year using FitnessGram. All students are required to dress in a P.E. uniform daily in order to participate. All students are evaluated in a number of areas including, but not limited to: general participation; the process of skill development; and game play activity levels. Good sportsmanship, safety, appropriate language, and following all rules and procedures are expected at all times.
The 8th Grade health curriculum is conducted in conjunction with the daily physical education program. The curriculum is based on the Human Growth and Development unit, supported by Candor Health Education. (The ETR HealthSmart resource will not be used for the 8th- grade Human Growth and Development unit.) Eighth graders will review important wellness and environmental health topics before transitioning to high school. The eight-week program covers the following topics: environmental health impact, healthy minds & bodies review, and teen sexual health. Upon request, materials are available for viewing.
2025-26 Elective Class Selection
As part of our students' middle school experience, students have the opportunity to share their preferences for elective classes for 2025-26. We ask that families discuss elective courses with students and identify preferences before Monday, January 13, 2025. On this date, students will complete an Elective Preference Form in class with their teachers. Please know that our top priority is to design a well-balanced schedule that supports student success across all classes. While we make an effort to accommodate students' preferences, this isn’t always possible due to scheduling constraints.
A description of all Elective Courses can be found below by grade level:
Elective Classes
Grade 6
Some elective courses are year-long which means they meet daily for the entire school year. Some elective courses meet for only one semester in the spring or fall.
Students have 2 options in 6th grade. While not always possible due to scheduling and logistics, every effort will be made to place students in the classes that they most prefer.
Please review the Elective Course descriptions below, talk with your child about the options, and send the Elective Preference Planning Form to school with your child on January 13, 2025.
Option 1:
Instrumental Music (Band or Orchestra) +
2 Semester-Long Electives
STEP 1: The student may choose to participate in one Instrumental Music elective:
Mariachi (only offered at WCMS)
STEP 2: The student will participate in two additional semester-long elective classes. The student will rank four semester-long electives in order of preference. These electives include:
Comprehensive Music
STEM - Computer Science
STEM - Design & Modeling
Option 2:
4 Semester-Long Electives
The student will participate in all four semester-long elective classes. These electives include:
- Art
- Comprehensive Music
- STEM - Computer Science
- STEM - Design & Modeling
Course Descriptions:
Year-Long Courses
Instrumental Music: Band
Band is offered as an enrichment class to all students. Students are invited to continue their Band experience on traditional band instruments, becoming more proficient and exploring more advanced pieces at each grade level. Through the study of different time periods and styles, students will understand music as a form of communication which will expand their ability to listen, analyze, and discuss concepts.
Through daily learning, students prepare for performances at concerts and events during and outside the school day.
Instrumental Music: Orchestra
Orchestra is offered as an enrichment class to all students. Through the study of different time periods and styles, students will understand music as a form of communication which will expand their ability to listen, analyze, and discuss concepts. Through the instrumental performance experience, students will prepare a variety of genres and styles of music, exploring more advanced pieces at each grade level.
Orchestra meets daily throughout the school year. Students are also required to attend one small-group lesson per week which meets during another class period on a rotating schedule. The Orchestra performs at various events throughout the school year. Students are also offered the opportunity to participate in various festivals and competitions.
Instrumental Music: Beginning Mariachi
[This course is only offered at Winston Campus Middle School]
Offered as a sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade enrichment class to all students. Students are invited to learn a mariachi instrument that includes the violin, trumpet, clarinet, guitar, vihuela, and guitarron. Periodically, students participate in instrument-specific sectionals. Specialized instruction focuses on note reading, listening, and singing that is inherent to the mariachi genre. Students will also explore the historical significance of mariachi music while preparing authentic mariachi performance experiences.
Semester-Long Courses
This semester-long art course is designed to meet the Illinois Learning Standards. The curriculum focuses on the study of art through the use and understanding of the Elements of Art including, shape, form, space, texture, value and color. The program encourages students to develop cultural and historical awareness through the visual arts. Students are exposed to a variety of art materials, methods and production opportunities. Students focus on problem solving, self-directed learning, peer collaboration and managing materials as they purposefully design, produce and present their own expressive works of art.
Comprehensive Music
During this semester-long course, students participate in a broad range of activities related to creating, performing, and responding to music. These experiences include learning an instrument such as piano, guitar, or African drumming; and using web-based applications on Chromebooks and/or iPads, in addition to traditional instruction. Students also participate in the study of the history of popular music. The keyboard and guitar skills learned are used to demonstrate the roots of rock music. By engaging in music reading and performing through student-chosen popular music and traditional music, students gain the independence needed to continue playing and appreciating music beyond this course.
STEM: Computer Science
The Computer Science for Innovators and Makers unit will allow students to discover computer science concepts and skills by creating personally relevant, tangible, and shareable projects. Throughout the unit, students will learn about programming for the physical world by blending hardware design and software development. They will design and develop a physical computing device, interactive art installation, or wearable, and plan and develop code for microcontrollers that bring their physical designs to life.
STEM: Design & Modeling
Design and Modeling (DM) (Project Lead The Way) provides students opportunities to apply the design process to creatively solve problems. Students are introduced to a unit problem in the first activity and are asked to make connections to the problem throughout the lessons in the unit. Students learn and utilize methods for communicating design ideas through sketches, solid models, and mathematical models. Students will understand how models can be simulated to represent an authentic situation and generate data for further analysis and observations. Students work in teams to identify design requirements, research the topic, and engage stakeholders. Teams design products (i.e., design a toy or game for a child with cerebral palsy), fabricate using a 3D printer and test it, and make necessary modifications to optimize the design solution. Students will also learn how to use industry-standard 3D modeling software to create a virtual image and 3D print of their designs that they can take home.
Students with Additional Supports
Additional support classes are year-long courses offered in place of Electives. Support classes include Language Studies for multilingual programming, IEP/special education support, social-emotional support groups, supplemental reading intervention, and supplemental math intervention. If your child would benefit from additional support, you will be contacted by your middle school to discuss your child’s schedule.
Grade 7
Some elective courses are year-long which means they meet daily for the entire school year. Some elective courses meet for only one semester in the spring or fall. Students have 3 options in 7th grade (see below).
Please review with your child the Elective Course descriptions outlined below and identify preferences before January 13, 2025, when students will complete an Elective Preference survey in class with their teachers.
Option 1:
2 Year-Long Electives
The student may choose two year-long electives from the following offerings:
- World Language:
- Spanish 1
- Spanish for Native Speakers
- (not available at TJMS)
- (required for incoming Dual Language students at WCMS)
- Instrumental Music:
- Band
- Orchestra
- Mariachi (only offered at WCMS)
If your child selects Option A, their elective schedule is complete.
Option 2:
1 Year-Long Elective +
2 Semester-Long Electives
Step 1: The student may choose one year-long elective from the following:
- World Language:
- Spanish 1
- Spanish for Native Speakers
- (not available at TJMS)
- (required for incoming Dual Language students at WCMS)
- Instrumental Music:
- Band
- Orchestra
- Mariachi (only offered at WCMS)
Step 2: The student will be assigned to two semester-long elective courses—one course in the fall semester, and another course in the spring semester. Available semester-long (half-year) elective courses are:
Comprehensive Music
STEM - App Creators
STEM - Flight & Space
Option 3:
4 Semester-Long Electives
For a student that does not select a year-long enrichment, students will be placed into a set of four, one-semester long elective classes that expose the student to each of the following:
Comprehensive Music
STEM - App Creators
STEM - Flight & Space
Course Descriptions:
Year-Long Courses
- World Language: Spanish 1
- World Language: Spanish for Native Speakers
- Instrumental Music: Band
- Instrumental Music: Orchestra
- Instrumental Music: Beginning Mariachi
World Language: Spanish 1
Year-long Spanish 1 for beginners introduces students to both language and culture. A communicative approach is emphasized and instructors focus on creating a balance between the three modes of communication; presentational, interpretive, and interpersonal. Please note that Heritage speakers are encouraged to select Spanish for Native Speakers. This course is for beginners only.
World Language: Spanish for Native Speakers
In this year-long course, students focus on Spanish language and literature using the Socratic Seminar as the core strategy for learning. This strategy allows for debate, discussion and exploration to respond to essential questions. Reading and writing in Spanish is an integral part of this class; students also explore grammar and language use. Dictation, verb conjugation and the use of accents are emphasized. Instructors use the Spanish language exclusively to communicate their ideas, both orally and in writing.
- This class is not available at TJMS
- This class is required for incoming 7th Grade Dual Language students at WCMS
Instrumental Music: Band
Band is offered as an enrichment class to all students. Students are invited to continue their Band experience on traditional band instruments, becoming more proficient and exploring more advanced pieces at each grade level. Through the study of different time periods and styles, students will understand music as a form of communication which will expand their ability to listen, analyze, and discuss concepts.
Through daily learning, students prepare for performances at concerts and events during and outside the school day.
Instrumental Music: Orchestra
Orchestra is offered as an enrichment class to all students. Through the study of different time periods and styles, students will understand music as a form of communication which will expand their ability to listen, analyze, and discuss concepts. Through the instrumental performance experience, students will prepare a variety of genres and styles of music, exploring more advanced pieces at each grade level.
Orchestra meets daily throughout the school year. Students are also required to attend one small-group lesson per week which meets during another class period on a rotating schedule. The Orchestra performs at various events throughout the school year. Students are also offered the opportunity to participate in various festivals and competitions.
Instrumental Music: Beginning Mariachi
[This course is only offered at Winston Campus Middle School]
Offered as a sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade enrichment class to all students. Students are invited to learn a mariachi instrument that includes the violin, trumpet, clarinet, guitar, vihuela, and guitarron. Periodically, students participate in instrument-specific sectionals. Specialized instruction focuses on note reading, listening, and singing that is inherent to the mariachi genre. Students will also explore the historical significance of mariachi music while preparing authentic mariachi performance experiences.
Semester-Long Courses
This semester-long art course is designed to meet the Illinois Learning Standards. The curriculum focuses on the study of art through the use and understanding of the Elements of Art including, shape, form, space, texture, value and color. The program encourages students to develop cultural and historical awareness through the visual arts. Students are exposed to a variety of art materials, methods and production opportunities. Students focus on problem solving, self-directed learning, peer collaboration and managing materials as they purposefully design, produce and present their own expressive works of art.
Comprehensive Music
During this semester-long course, students participate in a broad range of activities related to creating, performing, and responding to music. These experiences include learning an instrument such as piano, guitar, or African drumming; and using web-based applications on Chromebooks and/or iPads, in addition to traditional instruction. Students also participate in the study of the history of popular music. The keyboard and guitar skills learned are used to demonstrate the roots of rock music. By engaging in music reading and performing through student-chosen popular music and traditional music, students gain the independence needed to continue playing and appreciating music beyond this course.
STEM: App Creators
Have you ever wondered how mobile apps are created? Go beyond being an app consumer and become an app creator! In this Project Lead the Way course, students identify a problem of interest and use practical computer science skills to build a mobile app solution. Students will learn how to invent, code, and test their own apps - bringing their ideas to life. Through their work as a team, students develop skills related to the design process, problem solving, persistence, collaboration, and communication.
STEM: Flight and Space
The exciting world of aerospace comes alive through the Flight and Space (Project Lead the Way) unit. Students discover the science of flight and use aerodynamic concepts to explain how aircraft fly. Students receive an introduction to the engineering design process, investigate the effect of different airfoils on flight, use maps for navigation, and explore flight crew scheduling criteria. Students investigate how scientists and engineers play a vital role in space travel, space discovery, and living in space. They explore launch, orbit, landing, maintaining health in space, and maintaining a stable living environment for astronauts. Students work to design and model different aspects required to complete a mission to Mars.
Students With Additional Supports
For students who require a Language Studies course for Multilingual programming, IEP/special education support, placement in social-emotional support group, or is recommended for supplemental reading or math intervention, such support will take the place of one or both exploratory offerings, and will allow needed support to be provided. Students will be contacted by their middle school to answer enrollment questions and resulting changes to that student’s exploratory course schedule.
Grade 8
Some elective courses are year-long which means they meet daily for the entire school year. Some elective courses meet for only one semester in the spring or fall. Students have 3 options in 8th grade (see below).
Please review with your child the Elective Course descriptions outlined below and identify preferences before January 13, 2025, when students will complete an Elective Preference survey in class with their teachers.
Option 1:
2 Year-Long Electives
The student may choose two year-long electives from the following offerings:
- World Language:
- Spanish 2
- Spanish for Native Speakers (not offered at TJMS)
- French 2 (only offered for students who took French in 7th grade)
- Instrumental Music:
- Band
- Orchestra
- Mariachi (only offered at WCMS)
If your child selects Option A, their elective schedule is complete.
Option 2:
1 Year-Long Elective +
2 Semester-Long Electives
Step 1: The student may choose one year-long elective from the following:
- World Language:
- Spanish 2
- Spanish for Native Speakers (not offered at TJMS)
- French 2 (only offered for students who took French in 7th grade
- Instrumental Music:
- Band
- Orchestra
- Mariachi (only offered at WCMS)
Step 2: The student will be assigned to two semester-long elective courses, which includes one that will take place during the fall and the other one that will occur during spring semester. Available semester long (half-year) elective courses are:
Comprehensive Music
STEM - Automation & Robotics
STEM - Medical Detectives
Option 3:
4 Semester-Long Electives
For a student that does not select a year-long enrichment, students will be placed into a set of four, one-semester long elective classes that expose the student to each of the following:
Comprehensive Music
STEM - Automation & Robotics
STEM - Medical Detectives
Course Descriptions:
Year-Long Courses
- World Language: Spanish 2
- World Language: Spanish for Native Speakers
- World Language: French 2
- Instrumental Music: Band
- Instrumental Music: Orchestra
- Instrumental Music: Beginning Mariachi
World Language: Spanish 2
This year-long World Language class builds on the skills and concepts introduced in Spanish 1. Students will continue to explore both language and culture. A communicative approach is emphasized and instructors focus on creating a balance between the three modes of communication; presentational, interpretive, and interpersonal. Please note that Heritage speakers are encouraged to select either Spanish for Native Speakers or a language they do not already speak. This course is for students who have completed Spanish 1 only.
World Language: Spanish for Native Speakers
In this year-long course, students focus on Spanish language and literature using the Socratic Seminar as the core strategy for learning. This strategy allows for debate, discussion and exploration to respond to essential questions. Reading and writing in Spanish is an integral part of this class; students also explore grammar and language use. Dictation, verb conjugation and the use of accents are emphasized. Instructors use the Spanish language exclusively to communicate their ideas, both orally and in writing. (This class is not available at TJMS).
World Language: French 2
[Only offered for students who took French in 7th Grade]
This year-long World Language class builds on the skills and concepts introduced in French 1. Students will continue to explore both language and culture. A communicative approach is emphasized and instructors focus on creating a balance between the three modes of communication; presentational, interpretive, and interpersonal. Please note that Heritage speakers are encouraged to select either Spanish for Native Speakers or a language they do not already speak. This course is only offered for students who have completed French 1.
Instrumental Music: Band
Band is offered as an enrichment class to all students. Students are invited to continue their Band experience on traditional band instruments, becoming more proficient and exploring more advanced pieces at each grade level. Through the study of different time periods and styles, students will understand music as a form of communication which will expand their ability to listen, analyze, and discuss concepts.
Through daily learning, students prepare for performances at concerts and events during and outside the school day. Eighth-grade students will also have the opportunity to make connections with their high school Band program, teachers, and students.
Instrumental Music: Orchestra
Orchestra is offered as an enrichment class to all students. Through the study of different time periods and styles, students will understand music as a form of communication which will expand their ability to listen, analyze, and discuss concepts. Through the instrumental performance experience, students will prepare a variety of genres and styles of music, exploring more advanced pieces at each grade level.
Orchestra meets daily throughout the school year. Students are also required to attend one small-group lesson per week which meets during another class period on a rotating schedule. The Orchestra performs at various events throughout the school year. Students are also offered the opportunity to participate in various festivals and competitions. Eighth-grade students will also have the opportunity to make connections with their high school Orchestra program, teachers and students.
Instrumental Music: Beginning Mariachi
[This course is only offered at Winston Campus Middle School]
Offered as a sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade enrichment class to all students. Students are invited to learn a mariachi instrument that includes the violin, trumpet, clarinet, guitar, vihuela, and guitarron. Periodically, students participate in instrument-specific sectionals. Specialized instruction focuses on note reading, listening, and singing that is inherent to the mariachi genre. Students will also explore the historical significance of mariachi music while preparing authentic mariachi performance experiences.
Semester-Long Courses
This semester-long art course is designed to meet the Illinois Learning Standards. The curriculum focuses on the study of art through the use and understanding of the Elements of Art including, shape, form, space, texture, value and color. The program encourages students to develop cultural and historical awareness through the visual arts. Students are exposed to a variety of art materials, methods and production opportunities. Students focus on problem solving, self-directed learning, peer collaboration and managing materials as they purposefully design, produce and present their own expressive works of art.
Comprehensive Music
During this semester-long course, students participate in a broad range of activities related to creating, performing, and responding to music. These experiences include learning an instrument such as piano, guitar, or African drumming; and using web-based applications on Chromebooks and/or iPads, in addition to traditional instruction. Students also participate in the study of the history of popular music. The keyboard and guitar skills learned are used to demonstrate the roots of rock music. By engaging in music reading and performing through student-chosen popular music and traditional music, students gain the independence needed to continue playing and appreciating music beyond this course.
STEM: Automation and Robotics
Automation and Robotics (Project Lead the Way) teaches students critical thinking and problem solving skills through a series of hands-on design challenges. Students will learn mechanical systems and how they can be adapted to change speed, torque, and type of motion. Students will use this information to design, construct, and program autonomous robots that meet the criteria and constraints of a design challenge. They will learn and apply basic coding skills using RobotC programming software and construct their robots using VEX robotic kits.
STEM: Medical Detectives
In the Medical Detectives (MD) unit (Project Lead the Way), students play the role of a real-life medical detective as they solve medical mysteries through hands-on projects and labs, investigate how to measure and interpret vital signs, and learn how the systems of the human body work together to maintain health. Students will engage in a hands-on dissection of a sheep brain (with options for a more hands-off computer based dissection) to study how body systems work together. Finally, students will play the role of forensic scientist as they analyze evidence found at a “crime scene” and diagnose a disease using DNA evidence.
Students With Additional Supports
For students who require a Language Studies course for Multilingual programming, IEP/special education support, placement in social-emotional support group, or is recommended for supplemental reading or math intervention, such support will take the place of one or both exploratory offerings, and will allow needed support to be provided. Students will be contacted by their middle school to answer enrollment questions and resulting changes to that student’s exploratory course schedule.
Middle School Core Curricular Resources
Middle School Core Curricular Resources
Grades |
Content |
Curricular Resource |
Publisher |
6-8 |
English Language Arts |
Amplify ELA |
Amplify |
6-8 |
English Language Arts |
Units of Study |
Heinemann |
6-8, Accelerated Algebra |
Math |
Illustrative Math |
McGraw Hill |
Algebra |
Math |
High School Aligned |
Algebra II |
Geometry |
6-8 |
Science |
Open Sci Ed |
OpenSciEd |
6 |
Social Studies |
History Alive! |
7–8 |
Social Studies |
myWorld |
6-8 |
Health |
ETR HealthSmart |