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Office of the Superintendent

Dr Heinz with girl at desk
Dr Heinz in classroom

The Superintendent of Schools is the Chief Executive Officer of the District.

In addition to helping to set the strategic direction with the Board of Education, the Superintendent is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the school district.

The Superintendent works closely with the Board of Education, staff, families, and the larger community to ensure they feel informed about District happenings, have opportunities to engage with the Superintendent and Board of Education and that tax dollars are carefully reinvested in a high quality educational experience for students so all students learn as a result of a District 15 education.

The Superintendent helps write and monitor the implementation of the Strategic Plan, which guides the district toward its goals.

Dr Heinz in classroom reading books

Quick links

Check out the Spring 2024 
inaugural update on
District 15 and its schools:

D15COVER Magazine

Contact Us


Have a question? The Office of the Superintendent is here to help and to answer any questions you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.
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