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Spanish (Two-Way) Dual Language

District 15’s Spanish Dual Language program is a two-way language immersion where students are taught literacy and curriculum in both Spanish and English beginning in kindergarten. The two-way dual program consists of native speaking Spanish students and students who speak English or another language in the home. The two-way dual program begins in kindergarten with 80% of instruction in Spanish and 20% in English. Each year, Spanish instruction decreases by 10% and English instruction increases by 10% until Grade 3 when each language is taught 50% of the day. This model continues until Grade 6. The program is available to incoming Kindergarten students and is housed at Jane Addams, Kimball Hill, and Winston Campus Elementary Schools.

The goal of the Dual Language program is to develop bilingualism, biliteracy, academic achievement, and cross-cultural competencies for students.

The program is available to incoming kindergarten students who are fully registered with their home school for the 2024-25 school year. Students whose home school is Jane Addams, Kimball Hill, or Winston Campus Elementary School (Spanish Dual Language host sites), and students who are siblings of those already enrolled in dual language will be given priority consideration for acceptance into the program. 

District-provided transportation to the dual language school sites is offered for students outside of Jane Addams, Kimball Hill, or Winston Campus Elementary attendance boundaries. Please note, bus routes may exceed 30 minutes for those students who do not live within these attendance boundaries. 

District 15 has the right of school assignment regarding Spanish Dual Language. Families cannot indicate a preference of school when submitting their application for consideration into the program.

Join Us to Learn More

Please join us to learn more about Dual Language Programming for potential incoming kindergarten students. Meetings will be held at:

  • Jane Addams on February 1 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
  • Winston Campus on February 8 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
  • Kimball Hill on February 13 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Meetings will be held during the first hour in English and the second hour in Spanish.

For detailed information about the Spanish Dual Lanauge program for your Kindergarten student, please view the February 2024 Dual Language Presentation to Kindergarten Parents (English) | (Spanish)

For detailed information about the Spanish Dual Language program as it transitions to Middle School, please view the 2024-25 Dual Language - Transition to Middle School


Apply Here

2024-25 Incoming Kindergarten Two-Way Spanish Dual Language Program. The deadline to apply is March 15, 2024.

If the number of interested families exceeds the amount of space available, based on enrollment, a random selection process will be conducted in the first week of April. Applications submitted after the March 15 due date will be placed on a waiting list. Families will be notified of their placement into the program by the end of the day on April 22, 2024.

Click here for Parent & Student Resources


Upcoming Multilingual Events