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Spanish (One-Way) Dual Lanauge

Program Description

The One-Way (Spanish) Dual Language Program classrooms are composed of only English learners with a spanish home language background, designed to develop students’ fluency and literacy in English and Spanish. The program also helps students to succeed in academic subjects. The program emphasizes the development of full bilingualism. The classes count toward grade promotion and to become bilingual and biliterate.

For our Spanish speaking English Learners (ELs), we use the dual language one-way model following the Literacy Squared (Escamilla et al., 2014) framework. Dual language one-way serves ELs from the same language background with the goal of bilingualism and biliteracy. Within this framework, English Language Development (ELD):

  • begins in Kindergarten with 45 minutes of ELD daily (80/20),
  • increases to 60 minutes for Grades 1 and 2,
  • 90 minutes of ELD in Grade 3, and
  • 2 hours of English Language Arts (ELA) in Grades 4-6 with Science and Social Studies taught in Spanish.
  • Students from the dual language one-way dual program enter our Spanish for Native Speakers class for Grades 7 and 8.

Because the enrollment for the other mandated bilingual programs is limited at each grade level, the district implements a TBE program using the collaboration model and uses co-teaching or small group pull-out instruction with native language support as needed. 

Instructional Goals

To meet academic achievement standards for grade promotion and to become bilingual and biliterate.

Program Components

Your son/daughter will receive instruction in the areas needed to reach instructional goals.

Exit Procedures

The district offers the One-Way (Spanish) Dual Language Program to students in grades K-8. Because the program develops literacy in both English and the native language, students remain in the program even though they have achieved fluency in English.

Other Services

Special education services. For disabled students requiring specialized services, language instruction meets the objectives of the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Other Programs Offered at the School

Regular instruction for students who are fluent in English. Instruction is in English at all times. Native language is not used. No English as a Second Language instruction is offered. The instructional goal is to meet grade appropriate academic achievement standards for grade promotion and graduation.