Parent Advisory Committees
The Parent Advisory Committees’ primary objective is to establish a clear and collaborative voice between the multilingual community of the EL Programs and D15.
The committees are districtwide advisory groups that meet either virtually or in schools across the district and advocates for excellence in all programs serving English Learners in our district.
The Parent Advisory Committees meet a minimum of 4 times each year and address topics such as:
- Assessments that EL students take and results of those assessments
- State and federal laws related to participation in ESL and bilingual programs
- Information related to instructional approaches and methods used in ESL and bilingual education programs
Parent Advisory Committees:
- BPAC Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee
- DLPAC Dual Language Parent Advisory Committee
- MPAC Multilingual Parent Advisory Committee
For more information about these committees, please reach out to Renee Urbanski at or 847-963-3136.
LEARN15 (District 15 Family Education) is a place where we list all learning opportunities for parents—many delivered in-person, live streamed, or available on demand. Parents have an opportunity to engage with school leaders, educational experts, and other parents.