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Restorative and Trauma Informed Practices

Restorative Practices

Restorative practices are an integral part of our approach to fostering a positive and inclusive school environment. These practices focus on building strong relationships and community connections among students, staff, and families. By emphasizing dialogue and understanding, restorative practices help address conflicts and behavioral issues constructively, encouraging students to take responsibility for their actions and repair any harm done. Our district employs various restorative strategies, including restorative circles, peer mediation, and community conferencing, all aimed at reducing disciplinary incidents and promoting equity and inclusion throughout our schools.

Trauma-Informed Practices

Our district is committed to creating a safe and supportive learning environment through trauma-informed practices. Recognizing the impact of trauma on student behavior and learning, we integrate trauma-sensitive approaches into all aspects of our school culture. This includes training staff to recognize and respond to signs of trauma, establishing predictable routines, and building strong, supportive relationships with students. These practices ensure that all students, particularly those who have experienced trauma, feel safe, respected, and supported in their educational journey.