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Early Entrance to Kindergarten or Grade 1

Early entrance is a type of grade acceleration and is provided when the District determines a student to be academically and intellectually advanced for their age and is prepared for the rigor of the District 15 kindergarten program.

Parents/guardians may start the early entrance process by completing an online application to have their child considered for an early entrance.  Applications are accepted between February 15 and July 15 of each school year. Applications are not accepted prior to February 15.  Applications are also not accepted after July 15. 

The District 15 Early Entrance Process


To apply, your child must be a current District 15 resident. Parents or guardians of children that reside in the District 15 boundaries may complete an online early entrance application form. Completing the online application starts the consideration process. Completing the application does not mean that grade acceleration will necessarily occur. If you need assistance with the application, please call (847) 963-3000. Applications are only accepted between February 15 and July 15 of each school year.

Online Early Entrance Application


After completing the online application form, the school will contact you and schedule times for your child to complete a series of 5 tests that measure your child’s early reading, early math, and general cognitive aptitudes.  Your school may take several weeks before contacting you to schedule testing.  If a language other than English is spoken in the child’s home, the school will contact the District’s Second Language Department to determine if any language supports or accommodations during testing are appropriate.

All student tests are completed at your child’s District 15 school.  Each child completes a series of standardized tests.  First, children take the Measures of Academic Progress for the Primary Grades (MAP) test in reading and math.  MAP is used to determine your child’s academic skills.  Next, the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is used to determine your child’s verbal, nonverbal reasoning, and quantitative skills and aptitudes.  District 15 does not accept substitutions for these tests unless the District determines that these tests are inappropriate for the student.

If your child attends a preschool or kindergarten, your child’s teacher will be asked to supply information through an online questionnaire.  The questionnaire asks the teacher to summarize observations of the child’s classroom work and observed classroom skills.


District 15 uses a decision making matrix to determine if a child is ready for early entrance.  The matrix is used to assign points to each of your child’s 5 test scores.  Based on performance, each test area can earn from 0 to 9 points.  The points from the five tests are averaged to create a single overall score.  This average score is then compared to a decision making guide to determine if the child shows sufficient readiness for an early entrance.  The teacher questionnaire is used to identify areas of concern or strength for the child that may not be captured by the five standardized tests.  The advantage of this system is that one or two areas of less developed skills does not necessarily preclude the child from an early entrance.  Also, the teacher’s input is provided through a structured system and is also considered when making decisions.

Score-to-Points Table

MAP Percentile


















For children that take both the MAP and CogAT, the school’s principal will contact the parent/guardian to discuss the student’s assessment results and early entrance eligibility.  Eligibility is considered when a child’s average points are at 6 or higher. Parents/guardians will receive a written notice with the final early entrance decision.  The school will develop a written transition plan for eligible students.


Parents may appeal any test result informing the early entrance decision by completing the District 15 Early Entrance Appeal Form. Appeals must be made no later than 14 days after the early entrance decision date. Appeals received after July 15 may not be reviewed prior to the start of the upcoming school year. Retests are granted only when unique circumstances are determined by the District to have occurred.

Click on this link to practice the MAP for the Primary Grades