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Illinois 5Essentials Survey

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Each school year, teachers, parents, and older students have an opportunity to share their views and perceptions about their school by participating in the 5Essentials Survey. 5Essentials survey information is a key tool that your school uses to identify and prioritize areas for improvement. As a parent, the 5Essentials survey is an opportunity to share your thoughts on the school's effectiveness.

The 5Essentials Survey will be administered online. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete, is anonymous and asks questions about five areas that are related to important student outcomes, including improved attendance and learning.

5Essentials 5 Indicators

The five areas focused on are:

  • Effective Leaders

  • Collaborative Teachers

  • Involved Families

  • Supportive Environments

  • Ambitious Instruction

All District 15 teachers and 4th through 8th grade students will be asked to take this survey. 5Essentials Reports will be generated for schools if at least 50% of the teachers and students complete the survey. If at least 20 percent of parents from your child’s school complete this survey, a parent supplement will also be generated for the school and is an important source of information from parents.

Your identity and survey responses are completely confidential.  The school does not have access to individual survey responses and cannot connect any survey responses to you or your child. 

Your participation in the parent portion of the survey is one important way schools can use parent information to help understand the conditions at your child’s school and focus improvement efforts. The survey is managed by the University of Chicago and the school does not have access to your identity or survey responses.

For more information about the Illinois 5Essentials Survey, please visit

The Illinois 5Essentials Survey window will be open from February 1 until March 29, 2024. Your feedback is important as we work to continually grow as a school District. Please take the survey and select the appropriate survey to begin.