Student Directory Information & Photo Release
At Community Consolidated School District 15, we respect and prioritize family privacy while also ensuring clear and meaningful communication. As part of this commitment, we want to provide families with important information about directory information and photo release procedures in our district.
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Illinois School Student Records Act (ISSRA), school districts are permitted to share certain directory information without parental consent. This allows us to celebrate student achievements, recognize participation in school activities, and share important school-related updates. However, families have the right to opt out of sharing this information if they choose.
Directory information include a student’s name, grade level, birthdate and place, parent’s name, electronic/physical mailing addresses, phone numbers, digital media, academic awards, degrees, honors and period of attendance in the school. Importantly, sensitive information such as Social Security Numbers (SSN) or student identification (ID) numbers or unique student identifiers are never designated as directory information.
If you do not want your child’s directory information to be shared for these school-related purposes, you may opt out by submitting a written request to your child’s school within 30 days of the first day of school.
For additional information, please review our district’s:
Board Policy 7:340 on Student Records
The District is not responsible for photos and videos taken by parents or the media at events that are open to the public. More information about your rights under FERPA is available online at