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Try viewing the site map to find what you need, or contact us! We're grateful for your partnership in educating our students.

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Mass Notification System

District 15 uses the Finalsite Mass Notification system to notify parents and staff via phone, text, email, and the D15 mobile app. All parents and staff are automatically enrolled. 

Parents: Please ensure your contact information listed in Infinite Campus' Campus Parent portal is accurate. If it is not accurate, you can update your contact information there. Infinite Campus is linked to the District’s Finalsite mass notification system. If you have any difficulty logging in or making changes to your contact information in Infinite Campus, please contact your child's school office.

If your email address is correct, but you are not receiving emails from the district/schools, first check your email's spam/junk folder to ensure Finalsite Mass Notifications are not landing there. If they are, you'll need to mark them "not spam."

If you have mistakenly unsubscribed your email or cell phone from Finalsite mass notificationsfollow the instructions below.

Staff: Please check your information in Skyward to ensure all of your contact information is correct. You can also visit our intranet site for additional information.

If you need additional assistance, please complete the Communications Support Form.


Communications Support Form


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If you are not receiving emails, texts, or phone calls from the district's mass notification system, please fill out this form. You will be contacted by email shortly.
First Name
Last Name
Constituent Group:required
What form of communication did you NOT receive?required
Please explain the issue.