Student Fees
Student Fees
School District 15 charges a book rental, material, and technology fee to defray costs. Fees are payable at the time of online enrollment. Students who enroll late may pay the fees in the school office when they register. See below for more information regarding student fee payment procedures.
Book/Material/Technology Fees
- Elementary Grades K-5–$180/student/year*
- Middle School Grades 6-8—$195/student/year*
(*the student fee includes a one-time fee of $9 for PE clothes)
Student Book/Material/Technology Fees are due July 15, 2025, for the 2025-26 school year. Check the Parent Portal to see if a payment is due. Please see HOW TO PAY for ways to pay by cash, check, credit card, or e-check.
Because all books under this rental plan are the property of the Board of Education, the cost for replacement of lost or damaged books is the responsibility of the student/parent/guardian.
Book/Material/Technology Fees
- Elementary Grades K-5–$180/student/year*
- Middle School Grades 6-8—$195/student/year*
(*the student fee includes a one-time fee of $9 for PE clothes)
Student Book/Material/Technology Fees are due July 1, 2024, for the 2024-25 school year. Check the Parent Portal to see if a payment is due. Please see HOW TO PAY for ways to pay by cash, check, credit card, or e-check.
Because all books under this rental plan are the property of the Board of Education, the cost for replacement of lost or damaged books is the responsibility of the student/parent/guardian.
Other Fees
Other fees may include:
- $15.75 for 8th grade graduation gown rental
- $9 for any additional PE clothes (a one-time fee of $9 for PE clothes is included in the annual book/material/technology fee)
- Interscholastic Sports fees for Grade 6-8 students participating in after-school sports, $85/sport/year (nonrefundable) There is no charge for the after-school activity bus.
- Instrument rental fees for Grade 5-8 students enrolled in Band or Orchestra
- Paid transportation fees for students living less than 1.5 miles from school who request paid transportation. There is no charge for the after-school activity bus.
- Student meal plans
How to Pay
Student fees are due upon enrollment, and may be paid by cash, check, credit card or e-check. Log in to the Parent Portal to see if any fees are due.
- Cash: A cash payment should be made by the parent in the office of the child's attendance school, where a payment receipt will be issued.
- Check: A check payment should be made payable to "CCSD15," and can be mailed to your child's school or the District Office, Community Consolidated School District 15, 580 N. 1st Bank Drive, Palatine IL 60067-8110. Please note the student's name, amount paid, and parent's name in the payment envelope. Returned check fee charge is $25 per check.
- Credit card or e-check: A credit card of e-check payment can be made online:
- 2024-25 school year fees: Pay student fees online through Infinite Campus. You will need your Campus Parent portal email address and a valid credit card number. If you need assistance with your Campus Parent Portal email address, please call your child’s school for assistance.
- 2025-26 school year fees: Pay student fees online through e-Funds for Schools. (Click here for the step-by-step guide to create an account.)
- 2024-25 school year fees: Pay student fees online through Infinite Campus. You will need your Campus Parent portal email address and a valid credit card number. If you need assistance with your Campus Parent Portal email address, please call your child’s school for assistance.
Parents who do not have Internet access may come to their child's school to process their credit card payments. A small convenience fee is added for credit card processing.
Contact Kameswari Pullela, Business Dept,, 847-963-3065.
Student Fee Waivers
Students may be eligible for a waiver of student fees. Please review the four ways to qualify and apply for a student fee waiver:
- Homeless Students
- Households that Qualify for Free & Reduced-Price Meals
- Low Income Households
- Households Experiencing a Financial Hardship
Homeless Students
Homeless students, as defined in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (see Services for Students Experiencing Homelessness) will have student fees & fines waived. If you have questions about or believe that your family may qualify for services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, please contact Shari Lazor, Ed.D., Associate Superintendent, at, or 847-963-3202.
Households that Qualify for Free & Reduced-Price Meals
Households that qualify for the Free & Reduced-Price Meals Program will have student fees & fines waived.
- If your child attends:
- Frank C. Whiteley Elementary School
- Hunting Ridge Elementary School
- Marion Jordan Elementary School
- Pleasant Hill Elementary School
- Willow Bend Elementary School
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School
- Plum Grove Middle School
- Complete the Free or Reduced-Price Meals Application and return it to your child's school.
If the application is approved, your child will receive free or reduced-price meals AND student fees will be waived.
- Complete the Free or Reduced-Price Meals Application and return it to your child's school.
- If your child attends a federally-funded Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program school, a waiver of student fees is not automatically extended. An application must be submitted to waive student fees for students who attend a CEP school:
- Central Road Elementary School
- Gray M. Sanborn Elementary School
- Jane Addams Elementary School
- Kimball Hill Elementary School
- Lake Louise Elementary School
- Lincoln Elementary School
- Stuart R. Paddock Elementary School
- Virginia Lake Elementary School
- Carl Sandburg Middle School
- Walter R. Sundling Middle School
- Winston Campus Middle School
- Conyers Learning Academy
- Review the Instructions to complete the Application for Educational Benefits (English) | (Spanish)
- Complete the Application for Educational Benefits (English) | (Spanish) and return it to your child's school.
If the application is approved, student fees will be waived.
Low Income Households
Families may apply for a waiver of student fees based on low household income. The process to apply for a student fee waiver depends on which school your child attends.
- If your child attends:
- Frank C. Whiteley Elementary
- Hunting Ridge Elementary
- Marion Jordan Elementary
- Pleasant Hill Elementary
- Willow Bend Elementary
- Thomas Jefferson Middle School
- Plum Grove Middle School
- Complete the Free or Reduced-Price Meals Application and return it to your child's school.
If the application is approved, your child will receive free or reduced-price meals AND student fees will be waived.
- Complete the Free or Reduced-Price Meals Application and return it to your child's school.
If your child attends a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program school, your child will receive free meals as part of the federally funded Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, regardless of income, but it does not qualify your child for a waiver of student fees.)
- If your child attends a federally-funded CEP program school:
- Central Road Elementary
- Gray M. Sanborn Elementary
- Jane Addams Elementary
- Kimball Hill Elementary
- Lake Louise Elementary
- Lincoln Elementary
- Stuart R. Paddock Elementary
- Virginia Lake Elementary
- Carl Sandburg Middle School
- Walter R. Sundling Middle School
- Winston Campus Middle School
- Conyers Learning Academy
- Review the Instructions to complete the Application for Educational Benefits (English) | (Spanish)
- Complete the Application for Educational Benefits (English) | (Spanish) and return it to your child's school.
If the application is approved, student fees will be waived
If the Application for Educational Benefits or the Free or Reduced-Price Meals Application is not approved, you may appeal the decision with the Hearing Official, Anthony Fashoda, CCSD15 Director of Fiscal Services.
Reference: Board policy 4:140 Waiver of Student Fees
Households Experiencing a Financial Hardship
Any family (regardless of income) attending any District 15 school may apply for a waiver of student fees if experiencing a financial hardship due to:
- Illness in the family;
- Unusual expenses resulting from circumstances, such as fire, flood, storm damage;
- Unemployment;
- Emergency situations;
- When one or more of the parents/guardians are involved in a work stoppage; or
- Has parents/guardians who are veterans or active-duty military personnel with income at or below 200% of the federal poverty line.
To apply for a student fee waiver based on financial hardship:
- Fill out the D15 Application for Student Fee & Fine Waiver (English) | (Spanish), and
- Submit the application to your child's school or the D15 Business Office.
- If the application is approved, student fees will be waived.
- If the application is not approved, you may appeal the decision with the Hearing Official, Anthony Fashoda, CCSD15 Director of Fiscal Services.
Reference: Board policy 4:140 Waiver of Student Fees
Need Assistance?
Contact Kameswari Pullela, Business Department, at (preferred), or 847-963-3065.