Transportation to/from a Daycare
Only children who are residents of D15 and attend a D15 school are eligible to be transported from a daycare center within D15 boundaries.
Listed below are the approved daycares located within D15 boundaries and whether there is D15 transportation provided for the school, or if the daycare provides transportation to and from the school.
If your child's daycare center is located within the school attendance bounadary associated with your home address, is 1.5 or more miles away from your child's home school, or if a hazardous crossing exists as defined by the State of Illinois, then your child may be eligible for district-provided transportation.
Parents/Guardians: If your child will be attending a daycare center within D15 boundaries, please inform your child's school. Your school will relay the information to Transportation, and you will be notified if you are eligible for district-provided transportation or if the daycare provides transportation.
Daycare providers: To determine if your daycare center is eligible to be added to our provider list, please contact the Transportation Department.
Daycare Providers located within District 15 Boundaries
1270 W. Northwest Highway
Palatine IL 60067
D15 provides transportation to and from this daycare for: Gray M. Sanborn
This daycare provides transportation for: Jane Addams, Lake Louise, Virginia Lake, Winston Campus (Dual Language Program)
1532 N. Rand Road
Palatine IL 60074
D15 provides transportation to and from this daycare for: Jane Addams, Virginia Lake
865 N. Sterling Avenue
Palatine IL 60067
D15 provides transportation to and from this daycare for: Gray M. Sanborn
4321 E. Wilmette Ave
Rolling Meadows IL 60008
D15 provides transportation to and from this daycare for: Central Road, Kimball Hill
This daycare provides transportation for: Pleasant Hill, Willow Bend
1400 W. Northwest Hwy
Palatine IL 60067
D15 provides transportation to and from this daycare for: Gray M. Sanborn
This daycare provides transportation for: Frank C. Whiteley, Hunting Ridge, Jane Addams, Lincoln School, Marion Jordan, Pleasant Hill, Virginia Lake
Child Development Center
1540 W. Algonquin Road
Palatine IL 60067
D15 provides transportation to and from this daycare for: Frank C. Whiteley*
*Parent/guardian must pay for D15 transportation
1951 Rohlwing Rd, #A
Rolling Meadows IL 60008
D15 provides transportation to and from this daycare for: Kimball Hill
838 N. Quentin Road
Palatine IL 60067
D15 provides transportation to and from this daycare for: Gray M. Sanborn
This daycare provides transportation for: Lincoln School
1653 N. Baldwin Road
Palatine IL 60074
D15 provides transportation to and from this daycare for: Lake Louise, Gray M. Sanborn, Lincoln School
This daycare provides transportation for: Jane Addams, Virginia Lake
2601 Quentin Road
Schaumburg IL 60173
D15 provides transportation to and from this daycare for: Hunting Ridge
This daycare provides transportation for: Willow Bend
1351 W. Palatine Road
Hoffman Estates IL 60192
This daycare provides transportation for: Frank C. Whiteley, Marion Jordan
929 E. Palatine Road
Palatine IL 60074
This daycare provides transportation for: Jane Addams, Stuart R. Paddock, Winston Campus (Dual Language Program)
655 N. 1st Bank Drive
Palatine IL 60067
D15 provides transportation to and from this daycare for: Lincoln School
This daycare provides transportation for: Central Road, Gray M. Sanborn, Hunting Ridge, Jane Addams, Lake Louise, Marion Jordan, Pleasant Hill, Stuart R. Paddock, Virginia Lake, Winston Campus (Dual Language program)
3600 Lexington Drive
Hoffman Estates IL 60192
D15 provides transportation to and from this daycare for: Frank C. Whiteley
PLEASE NOTE: This information was provided to the school district as of February 2024. Daycare centers may choose to continue or discontinue transportation services to listed schools at their discretion.
DISCLAIMER: This list of daycares within District 15 boundaries that D15 provides transportation to, or that provide transportation to school, is provided as a resource and is not a recommendation or endorsement by Community Consolidated School District 15.