Meal Plan and Payment Procedures
- Meal Prices
- How to Pay in Advance for Meals
- Year-End Account Balances
- SchoolCafé
- Free and Reduced-Price Meals
- Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Schools
- Students Pay Using their Meal P.I.N. Account
- Balances Owed
- Refunds
Meal Prices
2024-25 Breakfast and Lunch Prices
- Breakfast—$1.40 per meal*
- Lunch (elementary)—$2.70 per meal*
- Lunch (middle school)—$2.80 per meal*
- Milk—$0.45 per carton
Reduced-Price Meal Benefit
- Breakfast—$0.30 per meal*
- Lunch (elementary)—$0.40 per meal*
- Lunch (middle school)—$0.40 per meal*
- Milk—$0.45 per carton
Students eligible for free meal benefits are entitled to one breakfast and lunch at no cost.
* All purchased meals include one milk.
All meal payments must be made in advance. Payments can be made with cash, check, or by using SchoolCafé.
How to Pay in Advance for Meals
Paying by Cash or Check
- If paying by cash or check:
- The first payment of the school year should be mailed to your child’s school prior to the first day. Please mark the outside of the envelope “Nutrition Services.” DO NOT send payments to the District office.
- Send payments – cash and/or check – to your student’s school in an envelope marked “Nutrition Services.”
- Include student’s first and last name on both the check and envelope.
- Please make checks payable to “Nutrition Services.”
- Check and cash payments may be made any day before 9:00 a.m.
- If you are paying for more than one student at the same school, please designate the amount for each child.
- The payment will be deposited into the student's Meal P.I.N. Account.
- Please be advised that there is a $25 fee for all returned and N.S.F. checks.
Paying by Credit Card
- If paying by credit card:
- Please visit SchoolCafé for more information on how to pay by credit card. SchoolCafé can also be used to check your student’s account balance, and you can also elect to have a low-balance notification emailed directly to you.
- The payment will be deposited into the student's Meal P.I.N. Account.
Year-End Account Balances
Your Grade K-7 student's meal balance will carry over to next school year.
- If your Grade 5 student has a balance at the end of the school year, this balance will be transferred to their account at the middle school they will be attending. Please contact the Nutrition Services coordinator at your school or the Nutrition Services office at 847-963-3928 to find out how much is left in your student’s account.
- If your Grade 8 student has a balance at the end of the school year, this balance can be refunded or, if there is a sibling in a District 15 school, it can be transferred to the sibling’s account by submitting a written or email request to Heidi Mals, Nutrition Services secretary, at, or phone 847-963-3930.
Refunds will be issued by a District check and mailed home to the address indicated once a parent request has been received. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Nutrition Services coordinator or the Nutrition Services office at 847-963-3928.
Student Balances in Meal Account
As we approach the end of the school year, please take a moment to look at your student's balance in their meal account. Any unpaid meal accounts can be paid by cash or check at your student’s school or by credit card on the SchoolCafe website or app.
All balances for returning students will be rolled over for the next school year.
If you are the parent of an 8th grader and will need a refund of the remaining funds on your student’s account or would like to have the funds transferred to a sibling that is in the district, please contact the Nutrition Services Department at or (847) 963-3930.
SchoolCafé is powered by PrimeroEdge, the leading school nutrition management software for K-12 school districts and food service providers in the United States. It allows parents to manage their child's cafeteria account. Apply for free or reduced meals. Make payments, view purchase history, and receive low balance alerts.
- Stay informed about your student's lunch account activity.
- Make secure payments with Visa, MasterCard, or Discover Card. There is a 5% service fee to use SchoolCafé.
- Be notified on your phone when your student's account is low.
- Store your credit/debit card for quick and easy repeat use.
- Schedule deposits to occur in any frequency you choose.
- Parents may also apply for Free & Reduced-Price Meals through SchoolCafé.
SchoolCafé allows for access from the web or any mobile device.
- The SchoolCafé website uses the most up-to-date security available. The online payment plan is an enhancement to the district’s existing pre-pay meal program. Cash or checks will still be accepted.
- The SchoolCafé apps for both iOS and Android are now available for download. They're free to install and they make your favorite features even easier to use. Download the SchoolCafé app today on the AppStore or Google Play
View the SchoolCafé Quick Card for instructions on setting up your account, adding students, making payments, and setting up low balance alerts.
For answers to frequently asked questions, and to get the most up-to-date help with this or any other information not covered here, please visit and select FAQs, or contact D15 School Nutrition Services at 847-963-3928.
Free and Reduced-Price Meals
Free and Reduced-Price Meal Benefits are available to children whose families qualify under federal guidelines. Application forms are available at school and online.
Reduced-price meals are $0.40 for lunch and $0.30 for breakfast. Students who qualify for free milk/meal or reduced-price meals are entitled to both breakfast and lunch. If a student wishes to purchase a second meal or any a la carte items, the student must have cash available or money deposited in their account in advance.
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Schools
Free meals are part of the federally funded Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program, part of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. Schools that meet eligibility requirements set by the program will receive free meals for all students, regardless of their economic status.
The following schools have met the eligibility requirements for the program. No application or action is required by parents/guardians for this voluntary program.
All students at the schools listed below are entitled to receive one free breakfast and one free lunch each day:
- Conyers Learning Academy
- Central Road Elementary School
- Gray M. Sanborn Elementary School
- Jane Addams Elementary School
- Kimball Hill Elementary School
- Lake Louise Elementary School
- Lincoln Elementary School
- Stuart R. Paddock Elementary School
- Virginia Lake Elementary School
- Winston Campus Elementary School
- Carl Sandburg Middle School
- Walter R. Sundling Middle School
- Winston Campus Middle School
Please visit the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Schools page for more information.
Students Pay Using their Meal P.I.N. Account
All students have a meal account and P.I.N. (personal identification number). The P.I.N. number is the student’s 6-digit district ID number. These numbers are given to students on the first day of school. If your student was using a P.I.N. last year, that number will not change. Each student inputs their number on a keypad at the end of the serving line and their meal account is automatically debited.
A student may use their meal P.I.N. account to purchase breakfast, lunch, milk, and/or á la carte. Spending limits can be set by contacting the nutrition services coordinator at your student’s school. You can also choose to not allow any á la carte or second meal purchases for your student.
Meal accounts can not go negative when purchasing any á la carte items (including extra milk or second meals).
Balances Owed
Notices will be sent home biweekly if your child has an outstanding balance. We ask that when the unpaid meal balance reminder is received, that money is sent with the student the following day or deposited via SchoolCafé. Students must have money in their account to purchase a la carte items or a second lunch.
If families need assistance in paying outstanding balances, they should contact Nutrition Services at 847-963-3929 to discuss alternative payment arrangements.
- All charges not paid before the end of the school year will be carried forward into the next school year.
- All graduating students must pay all charges in full. If a graduating eighth-grader has an unpaid meal balance on their meal account and has a sibiling in the district, the unpaid meal balance will be added to the sibling account.