Extreme Cold Watch
An extreme cold watch is issued when dangerously cold air, with or without wind, is possible. Check the forecast and be prepared in case a Warning is issued.
When the wind-chill is -20°F to -29°F OR the actual temperature is -5°F to -14°F, an extreme cold watch is in effect, indicating conditions are not life-threatening but present conditions that may result in inconveniences or post moderate risk to safety.
Schools will be open and student attendance is expected.
Based on available space, buses will pick up all student walkers regardless of route assignment.
Fire and police will be notified prior to the start of the school day of the Severe Cold Action designation.
Extracurricular activities will be evaluated and may be suspended if conditions persist; updates will be posted on each school's website.
All off-campus activities will be suspended (this includes but is not limited to all off-site daytime programs, field trips, and work programs).
Scheduled student transports between buildings will be assessed.
All outside student activities will be suspended.
All lab-based activities that have the potential to cause fire or smoke alarm activation will be reevaluated or rescheduled; communication and coordination with the impacted departments will be conducted by the building administration.
Students will be allowed to keep outerwear with them while in the building.
Schools will make announcements to provide access to donated outerwear to all students.
Any drills scheduled (evacuation, fire, or lockdown) will be canceled and rescheduled to a more weather-appropriate day.
The National Weather Service (NWS) will be the meteorological source to determine and declare a extreme cold warning or extreme cold watch. Information provided by Mr. Paul Sirvatka, Professor of meteorology, forecasting, weather analysis, climatology, atmospheric sciences, and severe and unusual weather at the College of DuPage. Dr. Alexander Means, MD, is the Chief Resident of the University of Chicago's Department of Dermatology.