Extreme Cold Warning
An extreme cold warning is issued when dangerously cold air, with or without wind, is expected. Conditions could lead to frostite or hypothermia.
When the wind chill is -30°F or less OR the actual temperature is -15°F or less, an extreme cold warning is in effect, indicating that life-threatening conditions and a risk to safety exist. Measures should be taken to safeguard life and property immediately.
- Schools will be closed under the extreme cold warning.
- All notification systems will be leveraged to send school cancelation communications to families.
- Extracurricular activities will be suspended while the extreme cold warning is in effect.
The National Weather Service (NWS) will be the meteorological source to determine and declare a extreme cold warning or extreme cold watch. Information provided by Mr. Paul Sirvatka, Professor of meteorology, forecasting, weather analysis, climatology, atmospheric sciences, and severe and unusual weather at the College of DuPage. Dr. Alexander Means, MD, is the Chief Resident of the University of Chicago's Department of Dermatology.