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Volunteers in Our Schools

The district has a volunteer program in place designed to strengthen partnerships between schools and our communities while preserving and enhancing educational opportunities for all students within the school district.

CCSD15 is actively seeking volunteers to assist in our schools.

Volunteer Benefits:

Everyone wins with volunteers!

We value the positive impact that parents and community partners have on the lives of students and know that you will be enriched through the experience as well.

The benefits of the volunteer program may be more obvious to the student, teacher, and school than they are to the volunteer. However, the rewards are deeply personal and may include the satisfaction of seeing a student gain skills and self confidence, sharing a special skill or resources with a child, and knowing that you helped to fulfill a specific need in the school. Students also benefit from seeing community members actively engaged in their schools.

Volunteer Opportunities:

In conjunction with a staff member, a volunteer may:

  • Interact and build relationships with students during lunch and recess
  • Read to a class or work with a small group of students
  • Tutor students before or after school
  • Share career experiences
  • Provide office or clerical assistance
  • Coordinate various aspects of a school event (setting up, selling tickets/food, running games, etc.)

Volunteer Requirements:

Community members may serve as volunteers by completing the following:

  • Pass a background check prior to working with students and staff
  • Complete a Confidentiality Agreement
  • Provide basic contact and emergency contact information

To start the process, please contact the office staff at the school where you are interested in volunteering to learn of any opportunities, then fill out the Volunteer Interest Form and Confidentiality Agreement. You will then be contacted with further details about the required background check. 

Please contact the Human Resources Department with any questions, 847-963-3000.