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SPARK (Special Education Parents Accessing Resources and Knowledge)

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SPARK is sub-committee of Northwest Suburban Council of PTA/PTSA, which serves all PTAs/PTSAs in District 15, providing leadership development, PTA resources, and programs for students and families. SPARK is proud to serve families of children with disabilities in Community Consolidated School District 15 and beyond. 

SPARK meetings are designed to give parents information to help them in their current and future steps of the journey of parenting children with unique needs. As parents, we guide and make decisions for our children and their development. The task can be overwhelming and we want nothing more than to be as informed as we can be when we set the course we believe our child should take. The SPARK committee and District 15 are grateful to have you and desire to serve you such that your journey is successful!

SPARK hosts monthly meetings providing parents information to help them in their current and future steps of the journey of parenting children with disabilities. At SPARK we realize the importance of providing:

  • Relevant programs and resources related to special education
  • Opportunities to network, receive support and help
  • Connections for parents with outside sources
  • Meetings the feature speakers from within and outside the school district

Online Support Group

We also have an online support group on Facebook. If you would like to subscribe to this group, send a request to

The Book - How to Navigate the Illinois Disability System

Upcoming Events

What is SPARK?
What is SPARK?